A Unique Approach
There exists an inherent capacity in the body to heal and to grow; when given the correct support through lifestyle modifications, acupuncture and herbal medicine the body regains capacity to change. The change begins within. Now is your moment.
Natural Healing
Acupuncture at Moment Wellness is designed using a combination of ancient energetic theory with a modern anatomical and physiological approach. There is a finite amount of energy in the body that acupuncture has the unique ability to access and move. Placement of needles throughout the body can move qi and blood in the body and begin to transform stagnation at the root of disharmony, pain and illness.
An Ancient Science
Chinese Herbology is a unique and customizable approach to achieving body balance. Appropriate herbal formulas will evolve and change over time to accompany changes happening in the body. Considered food therapy, the consumption of Chinese herbal formulas in the form of tea, congee, tinctures or capsules augments and balances natural body rhythms. Harmony is achieved and symptoms alleviated through regulating warm and cold, balancing interior and exterior, tonifying deficiency and dispersing excess. Optimal results are achieved through regular acupuncture treatment in combination with herbal medicine.
Creating Life
Family planning can be fun, stressful, calculated, unexpected and everything in between. We are here to help at every step along the way. From natural pregnancy support to IVF treatments and perinatal care, we honor every path you take towards growing your family.
730 Cheyenne Boulevard Suite 300 Colorado Springs, CO 80905
(719) 694-1553
“The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well”